The Simple Path to Wealth
Turning Passion Into Profession
Having a simple job and a simple life might be many people's dream, but what if you want more? What if you want to become wealthy? What are the steps that a person should take to not only become free of any debt but also live comfortably for the rest of their lives?
To put it simply, if you want to become wealthy, there are a few steps you must take. First, you need to pay off any debt that keeps accumulating and create an emergency savings fund. For that, you need to find a job, which would also help with maintaining the basic expenses of your life. But a simple job, as good as it sounds, might not be enough for you to become wealthy. In order to earn more, you need to start a side hustle, a business that will grow and earn you extra cash. But creating a business needs knowledge, effort, and skills. So before you create that business, you need to start learning about how to manage a business, how to grow your skills, and learn the basics of financial literacy in your free time.
Let's talk business. In today's world, there are 8 billion people, and the competition is very high in the market. Any job that you think of, any new idea, someone has already become a pioneer in that, and sometimes even the market is saturated with that line of work. It’s easy to feel discouraged when it looks like every opportunity has already been taken. You might look from outside, see the vast number of similar businesses and ideas, and think you can never start a business, but does that mean that you should give up and stick to your simple job forever? Absolutely not! We're here to become rich, no backing down!
Many of my family members and friends are also always in the mindset of "It's saturated so I can't get anywhere in that!" and I honestly am exhausted by this way of thinking. No matter how flooded a field is, there is always a space for you to join the market, but there's a catch! Only if this is one of your top interests. I gotta say that starting a business merely because you've heard it is profitable has rarely worked out in the long run for people who wanna be top earners. Surely, you can make some money from a business that isn't your passion, but can you maintain the desire to manage the business further and truly become wealthy if you don't enjoy what you're doing?

But why is passion so important?
As the saying goes: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. When you enjoy your work and you're passionate about it, it no longer feels like a job. Pursuing what you love as your profession keeps you motivated, even without financial reward; that will open the doors for being a grinder in that field and keeps you ahead of the competition. So if you start a business that seems profitable in the beginning but you don't necessarily have a passion for it, in time you will lose the motivation for business improvement and your business stops growing. Consider business as a tree you plant to harvest fruits. If you don't enjoy gardening, the challenges on the way will make you exhausted, after a while you stop taking care of your tree and it may not grow, or it might grow without yielding fruit. Without the motivation to nurture your tree, it will eventually die.
Passion inspires motivation, and motivation results in Persistence. Let me explain; Starting and running a business can be challenging. It might look simple from the outside, but in reality, you will inevitably face obstacles whether it’s losing money along the way or dealing with legal issues or people who would want to exploit you in many different ways. This can all make you want to give up and abandon your path. This is why you need strong motivation—a driving force that keeps you in the game despite the difficulties. Without it, staying persistent and overcoming these obstacles becomes nearly impossible. Let's see it in an example: Having passion versus not having it in a business could be compared to having a bike on a very long road versus having to walk; both could make you tired, but there's a much higher chance that you'll make it to the end with the bike. That is the reason why I have been emphasizing the importance of passion strongly, as it will provide you with extra energy to keep going, in other words you become persistent.
You might ask, then if it only needs persistence, why aren't all the people doing in? and the answer to that is that most of us are usually looking for the easy way out, becoming rich in one night, we want fast rewards for bare minimum work and that's unfortunately not how the world works. Opportunities are about slowly building your life, your career, and your skillset from the bottom all the way to the top, and that requires patience. Also let's not forget that starting from zero will in fact teach you all the little steps along the way, so even if one day you lose everything, you know your way up! That's why many people who win the lottery, usually go bankrupt in a matter of years.
How to find your true passion?
Believe it or not it took me many years to finally find out my true passion! Over the years, I experimented with various methods and explored numerous fields to discover what I truly enjoy doing as a career. Determining what you really like to do for your future can be quite challenging, as this journey requires a deep understanding of yourself and your interests.
One of the methods that wrapped it up for me is what I'd like to call the bombardment technique. In the method I pick up a piece of paper and start bombarding myself with different interests that I think I have. Trying to remember all my interests at once might be a bit overwhelming, so I try Googling what common interests are out there so I could have a list to choose from or just thinking about what I like and enjoy doing, What activities cause me to lose track of time? write down every single interest/activity that you like doing, no matter how ridiculous they might sound.
For example I like swimming, or writing; Sometimes I enjoy playing video games and sometimes I would like to bake. Make this list long! Write as many interests as you possibly can, write 50, 100, remember, we are bombarding ourselves, so there's no limit; But even if you could only come up with 10, that is also great and better than zero. Below is a list of 20 different common human interests that you can choose from. I suggest you to use ChatGPT or Google to find and add more to your list:
Graphic design
DIY projects
Playing musical instruments
Playing video games
Animal care
Makeup and Hairstyling
Digital marketing
With your list of interests ready, begin by scoring each from 1 to 10, where 10 represents the activity you enjoy the most and 1 signifies the one you enjoy the least. For example, I rate writing as a 10 and baking as a 4, indicating that writing is my favourite activity. Eventually, you might find several top interests rated as 10, but don't worry; this simply means you have multiple options to choose from.

This will give you a pretty good idea of which side hustle to start alongside your everyday simple job. Later on, this side hustle could potentially turn into your lifelong career that not only fulfils your dreams but also pays your bills and a lot more than that. Each of these interests could turn into a career that generates wealth.
I hope this blog post helps you in discovering your passion and serves as an introduction to achieving wealth. My goal, like many of you, is to become wealthy, and I will share any new strategies and insights I gather on my journey to wealth. I look forward to seeing you here more frequently here!