The Eternal Tenant-part 3
I stood there... shocked and horrified! so many questions were running through my head, thousands of them, was this a joke that all the town was in on it? was I dreaming? do ghosts even exist? how did my hand go through his head? what do I do?
I was panicking. I felt like my heart was beating so fast, but yet again if I was a ghost how could I have a heart? If this was a dream, why did it feel so real? why wasn't I waking up from it?
I still couldn't believe it; so I gathered my strength one more time to make sure, I asked the officer "Can...can you hear me?", but he was looking at his phone; the second time I asked louder "Hey deputy, DO YOU HEAR ME?", he looked up, HE LOOKED UP! was he hearing me? I kept going "Yes! Officer I'm here! Can you hear me?", but he just got up from the stool and went to leave the diner, frustration visible in his face. He muttered something under his breath "This town!" and left.
I sat on the floor behind the counter, confused and scared, I didn't know what was happening to me, I still couldn't believe it. After all, this was my first time being a ghost! probably not the best time to make a joke in my head, but I couldn't help it; my situation was painfully funny! I stood up, took off my apron, took my stuff, and decided to leave the diner. Before I left, the broken pieces of the coffee cup caught my eye. If I was a ghost, how did I throw the coffee cup on the floor? how did I drive my car? how did I manage to clean the kitchen? how could I hold my phone? questions were riddling in my head, I just wanted to leave and go home. For the moment, I didn't want to make sense of anything, Just home!

I arrived at the house, got out of my car, and went inside. Nothing seemed out of place or weird. I sat on the couch for... I don't know how long for, but I guess time went by fast as darkness took over. I guess I was waiting to wake up from this horrifying nightmare, but to no avail, nothing happened.
"drrrrrrrrrr...." my phone started ringing, "should I answer it?" I thought in my head; it rang a few times before I got up the nerve to pick it up. "Hello?!" I said, "Hello young lady, how have you been, this is...Henry, I just...wanted to check up on you to make sure uh...everything is working out well for you!". I was quiet for a few seconds and then I said "Henry?? Do you hear me?" with a concerned yet excited voice. "Of course, I do, why?" He said, stuttering a bit, then continued: "Are you having issues with reception? They always promise to fix that tower but what can I say, lazy people of this town! ha ha ha" He let out a nervous laughter.

All of a sudden I felt a warmness, like getting hugged by a warm cosy blanket! I felt relieved that Henry could at least hear my voice, maybe I could talk to him, maybe he knew what to do; he seemed like a seasoned old guy; kind of seemed to have experienced many things in life. "Henry, could you maybe meet me at the house?" I asked. "Uh, sure, but right now? it urgent?", "it kinda is, I uh... have a plumbing issue, water is leaking, I think it will not be good to wait till morning!", "Oh, a leakage? We can't ignore that! I take my tools and meet you in 20, is that all right with you?" he replied sounded like he was hesitating, I replied: "Yes, see you in a few!".
I was happy and scared at the same time. What if he would come and not see me? what if he does? does that mean I imagined the whole thing today? I realized the best I could do was to wait for him and see how it all folds out.
20 minutes later; I heard his truck getting close. I was barely holding it together, I could hear him turn off his engine, close the truck door, and come closer to the door, his footsteps getting closer every second, and then a couple of knocks...
I was hesitant to open the door, it was like a huge weight was pulling me back, I slowly stepped forward, and then another knock, "Anyone home? hopefully, you didn't drown in the flood! ha ha ha" Henry chuckled, with a hint of nervousness in his voice. I took one more step forward and slowly opened the door...
"Oh hey there, about time you answer the door, ha ha ha," Henry said. I immediately hugged him and started crying. Henry seemed somewhat confused but he was calm as if he knew everything, he didn't ask anything, he just let me have my moment for then. when I finally was able to stop, we went inside and sat on the couch, he didn't seem so curious to know why I was crying, as if he somehow knew.
I struggled to start speaking, I didn't know where to start, while I was trying to let out the words, Henry calmly said "By leaky pipes, you weren't talking about your eyes, were you?" and smiled. I smiled a bit too and then started talking. I told him everything that happened in detail, in my head I thought he must think I was some crazy girl who had lost it under the pressure of life, but he just listened without saying one word. When I was done, he looked at me for a few seconds, kind of with concerned eyes. He let out a long, weighted breath and started talking...
"I believe you, my dear, I believe you..." he sighed with a hint of shame in his voice, as if he felt guilty. he continued "What I'm about to say... might seem a bit strange...but I want you to promise me to let me tell the whole story and not judge me before then!". Now I was more concerned. what could he possibly say that would raise my judgment?
"It was a long time ago, my wife and I just moved to this town with hopes and dreams, of building our lives together. We lived in the basement of some folk, were broke, and lived day to day, but we were happy, we found jobs working on a farm and after some time we managed to raise enough money to pay for a loan. We started looking for houses in the area. It didn't take long for us to find this house. It was... unique and affordable, and she loved it" He smiled softly. "after some time, we finally bought the house, she couldn't be any happier and I was happy that she was! we lived in the house for many years, we were unable to have a child, but we had each other and that was the most important thing in the world! 33 years went by until one day, she fell sick. doctors didn't know what it was, we went to different towns and different hospitals but no one could tell what was causing her symptoms, it was something her father had and he wasn't very lucky either. The only thing that helped her was staying inside the house, but it wasn't long before she felt worse and one day she just..." he took a few seconds before moving on; "She wasn't with me anymore...she was gone as if she wasn't ever here. I mourned and grieved for a long time, the illness took her away in only 2 years. A few months passed, and I was getting better and living by, until one day it all started...I could hear...sounds, laughs even, all around the house, her laugh! For a time I was convinced that I lost it, the grief was too hard on me and made me go crazy, but then it got worse! The sounds gave their place to doors closing on their own, the stove turning on without me going near it, the water in the tub running on its own and overflowing to the bathroom floor, it all was too much for me. Until one day, I decided to leave the house even though it held the memory of my beloved Molly. Just when I started packing, I thought I saw something pass in the corner of my eye! I instantly looked to my left, but no one was there, it made me pack faster, I just wanted to move away from this house! I packed one box, picked it up, went towards the door, and then..." he stopped for a few seconds and then he looked me in the eyes and said, "Standing in front of the door was my Molly, looking well and happy!"
