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What is this blog about?

Hi people. Sorry I haven't been writing for a couple of weeks. I wanted to write and I actually wrote 3 posts but I didn't publish them because I was all over the place. I recently decided to introduce my new niche to my blog and aside from writing personal journals and stories, add some specific niche to my it. In the midst of writing, I realise that the niche that I have chosen might be popular but it is not something of my acute interest. So I needed time to contemplate and figure out what I exactly want. That's why I've been away since then. As always, I've returned and am ready to dive into writing. But first, let's introduce ourselves to those who are new here!

If this is your first time around here, I would like to tell you a few things about myself and my blog. I understand that it's probably been a long time since I wrote anything introductory, other than the little you might know from my About me page. As I have kind of changed my niche and pivoted towards different topics, I wanna give another introduction to all the newcomers who have just arrived. So without further ado, let's get into it.

Hi there! My name is Saina, and this is my blog. As you might have noticed, I have named it Sainaslife. I don't quite remember what intrigued me to create a blog, but I can certainly tell you that I LOVE WRITING, all in caps as it's the whole point, right? I knew about blogging a long time ago, even before I came up with the idea, but I never saw myself doing it. I thought I had to have some magical skills or be qualified in some way to create a blog, but as time passed, I realized that I don't have to write scientific papers. I just felt the need to create a space to express myself, write about my life and my thoughts, and the niche will finally find itself.

When I first started, as you can see in my first blogs, I was just writing about my personal life and experiences. I was also such a motivational blogger, which I still am and I don't think I would wanna change that. Then I was on and off for long periods of time; I think because I thought I can't make it and also the fact that I didn't know much about blogging and I was kind of procrastinating to learn how everything works. I just needed a motivation for myself to be persistent in my writing.

Here is an interesting fact about me: I am obsessed with Halloween since I can remember, and every year around October, I get a sense of excitement and motivation to write. This year, I just saw a picture, and as a dare to myself, I started writing a story about it. It was just supposed to be a short story to be added to my blog as one post, and that was it, but instead, I got so hooked on the story that I wanted to write more and finish it. See, here's the thing: I used to write stuff, mostly romance stories, but the problem was that whenever I tried to add to it or continue writing, it wasn't honestly my type of content. I also used to write short comedy articles, and I published two of them in local newspapers, which was a great feeling, but it still kind of wasn't me. Then I tapped into horror and thriller, and there I was writing the whole story tirelessly, so I guess the moral of the story is that you should never give up and try until you find your thing!

Let's talk about my new niche and then I come back and tie that one with the previous paragraph, okay?

I wanted to improve my blog and start writing about something that I was interested in. I wanted to have an audience so I'd be more motivated to write. So I decided to give my blog a niche, to choose a topic and write around it. I struggled a lot with what to write about; I jumped from one topic to the next, and I was basically all over the place. A couple of months back, I decided to finally choose my niche, and after thorough research, I thought writing about budgeting and personal finance would work for me. Until a few days ago, I realized it doesn't align accurately with my interests. I have some financial knowledge, and since I am pretty good at math, I know how to budget and save, but this wasn't enough to make my whole blog about it. So I decided to start writing about Digital Marketing, which is, in fact, my area of expertise and is a field in which I want to become pretty successful. Hence, I decided that this is the best niche I could get into.

I will also continue writing my stories and sometimes you're gonna be BLESSED with my personal rants:). Honestly If you don't know, I am pretty ADHD'ied and I tend to change my mind a lot. So if one day I decided to write about astronomy don't be shocked, I'm a free bird, what can I say? But until then I will share all I know and all I'm about to know about Digital Marketing with you all. I want to sail on this boat and see where it takes me. Like many of you, I am still trying to find my true self, but I guess it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey itself!

Saina, out.


a natural beautiful dark straight hair small almond dark brown eyes white skin girl with b

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